There are few things that are as important to us as our hair. Having a full set of hair on our heads is something we all want and no one wants to lose it. There are many things that people can do with their appearance when their hair is healthy and in this article we are going to tell you some of the benefits that your hair will get when you drink almond milk.
For starters, there are many nutrients in almond milk that are going to help your entire body get stronger and boost your immune system, but since hair is the main topic of this article we are going to give you detailed information on how drinking almond milk will greatly improve the health of your hair too.
This milk contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, proteins and manganese. All of them are extremely beneficial to the health of your hair. The protein is one of the best ways to promote the repair of your hair as well as speed up the process of growth and make it a lot easier to maintain your hair healthy. It will do wonders to hair dryness and you can even massage your scalp with it for great results.
The vitamins and minerals in almond milk will also help strengthen the hair and make the roots much stronger in the process. This helps fight hair loss and improves the thickness of the hair as well. The iron that is found in almond milk is also perfect for hair because it helps carry more oxygen into the blood on your scalp and that will also promote hair growth.
The best thing about this is that almond milk is very easy to make and you can drink it as well as apply it to your hair for excellent results. You need to make sure that you use and drink almond milk often if you really want to see the benefits of it on your hair, but once you start noticing the changes you will realize just how powerful it really is.
It won’t be long until everyone discovers the amazing anti-aging benefits of almond milk. You should recommend it to everyone you know and care about because it’s truly beneficial for your general health. It will make you look younger and stronger too. It tastes great and allows you to digest food more efficiently too.
What! That’s awesome I kind of foorgt about this recipe until you commented on it. I was inspired by who is a vegan recipe creator but makes a lot of things that are compliant with Paleo! Thank you for the kind words!!
I absolutely love almond milk !! I make my own and fortify it with a bit of calcium when doing so. I started drinking it as an alternative to dairy milk because I have osteoporosis, and dairy milk is not good for this condition. I prefer making my own because I know precisely what goes in it , and I can also add other nuts to the mixture. I soak them at least one day in clear water before I make my brew.
In doing so (I use the Tribest Soyabelle milk machine that is easy as pie to use and clean) I have noticed the benefits to my skin besides feeling better and stronger overall and now, I have also been using it as an additional hair rinse when I wash my hair. The pulp that is let from making the milk I put in an airtight bag and freeze for later use when making a variety of foods.
Almond milk, in fact, most nut milk have absolutely incredible benefits for your entire body !! I recommend it for everybody !!
Very good information. Hope to use it as I am having hair loss, especially at the top if the head. I am a female over 60 yes. I want to use Almond milk more often, but don’t like the unsweetened one. Can you give some shakes recipe with almond. Does it cause you to loose weight?
Don’t know for sure, but I’ve been drinking almond milk for a month, and while we were sitting in a restaurant yesterday, my wife said she noticed my hair was getting thicker. I looked in the mirror and I did notice that it was much thicker in the front.
This really helped my ugly hair! This made my hair extremely thick and shiny, I’ve used it every other week and it works amazingly!!! Thank You!!